Generative AI-assisted
Software Development Support

Improve software development efficiency by using the technology of Generative AI

At T&S, we utilize generative AI to streamline the time-consuming process of software development, from detailed design to unit testing. By combining prompt engineering with our unique pre-processing and post-processing in the development process, we help our clients' software development proceed smoothly.

Prompt engineering is a technology that optimizes the input instructions (prompts) so that the generative AI can effectively perform a specific task.


At T&S we can assist our clients with program implementation and development documentation by utilizing Generative AI.

Program Implementation Support

Through pre-processing, generation AI, and post-processing, we help to improve efficiency and quality by reducing the workload from development documents (design documents) to source code generation and by analyzing source code update differences.

Generate source code
Generate source code from development documentation

Generate source code for unit test
Generate unit test source code from development documentation and source code

Source code review
Analyze source code differences and share improvements in the form of reviews

Development Documentation Support

Through pre-processing, generation AI, and post-processing, we help improve efficiency by reducing the workload from source code to development documentation and by generating flowcharts and other information that should be included in development documentation.

Development Documentation
Extract program processing details from source code and generate development documentation

Document Review
Organize processing details described in development documents and generate review support materials

Supported Inputs/Outputs

Supported File Formats
  ・txt, md, source code, other (negotiable)
Supported languages (programming languages)
  ・Java, Python, Ruby, Javascript, other (negotiable)

Please contact us. We will propose the best solution for you.

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Development Support Flow

Review of development support details
We will review your requirements and software development issues, and establish the content and goals of our development support.
We will also confirm the data handling methods and security requirements for the data used in the generative AI.

Based on our quotation, we will discuss with our client and close a contract with the agreed support contents.

Building of Generative AI Environment
We build an Generative AI environment taking into account our customer's requirements.

Start of development support
We identify our development assistance goals and initiate development assistance.
(The process of pre-processing - prompt engineering - post-processing will evolve in a spiral fashion)
Provide regular reports on the status of the project and make suggestions and plan revisions to further improve operational efficiency.

Final Report
At the end of the support period, a final debriefing will be held to report on the results and future issues.

Please contact us. We will propose the best solution for you.

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If you are experiencing any of these challenges, please contact us.

I want to get an overview of the requirements, but no summary documentation exists
Based on existing documents and interview results (simple text), basic data is created and passed through the generative AI to create a draft design document.
I want to get an overview of the program process, but the program is so large that it will take me a long time to understand it.
The program is divided into a reasonable parts and flowcharts are created by passing the program through the generative AI. Combining the created flowcharts makes it easier to get an overview of the program.
I want to estimate unit test man-hours.
The design document or source code is passed through the generative AI to generate a flowchart. The number of test items can be calculated from the flowchart.

Please contact us. We will propose the best solution for you.

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