IT Support Service

Have you ever wished you had an IT specialist? We provide IT support services to answer your "IT problems".
We provide professional IT support services that serve as the point of contact between IT and customers, including OA environment setup, OS and basic software setup for PCs and mobile terminals, help desk services including customers' business systems, IT asset and information security, account management, and IT equipment management. We provide services that serve as the point of contact between IT and customers.
IT Support Service

We have been providing IT support services for about 30 years and have a lot of know-how and management.
We are still providing our services to financial companies and major group companies, and they are very pleased with our services.

Main Support Achievements

Operating System Windows / iOS / office365
PC Kitting Ghost / DriveCopy / Microsoft Sysprep
IT Equipment Management SCCM / Mcore
Information Sharing Tools SharePointServer / SharePointOnline
Information Security Management SEP / MSDeffender
Account Management ActiveDirectory / LDAP