Migration Support

Migration of data from various applications to different applications allows for preservation of old data and new operations in new applications.
Notes Migration

Notes has been used as a pioneer of groupware, and in recent years, various groupware products have been released and migration to different groupware has been increasing.
We mainly handle many migrations to SharePointServer.
If you do not want to change the Notes data in SharePointServer, we can archive the data by converting it to HTML.

Various Migration

We can consult with you on the migration of applications currently in use.
We can also assess the current system and propose an appropriate migration destination.
Enovia → Java(SPA)
SharePoint → File server

Main Achievements

Tools Used SharePoint Converter for Lotus Notes / NFSConverter / DocAve / ShareGate
Migration Source Platform LotusNotes / Enovia / Java / .net / SharePoint
Destination Platform SharePoint / Java / .net